We believe a chronic illness or health condition does not define you or your lifestyle.

It can be challenging and daunting when diagnosed with a chronic disease or life affecting illness. The Osana team are specialists in chronic disease care and support you to reduce risks or deterioration of your health.

We empower you to practice healthy lifestyle choices, and provide preventative care to reduce the impact of your condition so you can enjoy the best out of life. Here is how we are helping our members manage well.

Positive Lifestyle 

We encourage healthy lifestyle behaviours that are tailored to your conditions and health risks. Our well-being, exercise and nutrition assessment and regular check in survey will ensure you are healthy and happy. A Health Coach is on hand to set goals and build healthy lifestyle habits, and your specialist GP and dedicated Health Assistant will keep you on track to live in a healthy way every day.


Activate Your Health

Feeling confident, motivated and having the skills and knowledge to manage your health will lead to better outcomes. Your Health Assistant provides access to educational events, workshops, group activities and classes that help you better manage your health over time. From weight loss to stress management, from parenting to blood pressure, from osteoporosis to managing asthma, the Osana team are here for you.

Preventative Care

Like other parts of the health system, we focus on preventing disease, managing risk factors (primary prevention) and stopping the progress of illnesses if you already have them (secondary prevention). But specialise in keeping people at home and away from unnecessary medications, specialist interventions and hospital services (tertiary prevention). In all categories, Osana demonstrates industry-leading results.

The best way to manage chronic health conditions is to be proactive. By assessing health risks, tailoring a plan to address those risks, embedding healthy lifestyle behaviours and eliminating any gaps in care according to clinical guidelines, the Osana team can achieve a better health result for you.

Live classes to support you to Manage Well

Art Therapy

5 minutes
Anna Barten
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Gut Health – Gastrointestinal Symptoms

12:40 minutes
Sarah Coghlan
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How to Quit Smoking – Part 1

5 minutes
Mitchell Howarth
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