Is sparkling water bad for you?
Many have seen Cola drinks clean up old coins so it’s natural to wonder whether fizzy water is similar. We didn’t think so but did some research to confirm – here’s what we found:

  • Carbonated water isn’t bad as long as there is no sugar. It is very mildly acidic on its own, but carbonation plus sugar can dissolve tooth enamel (so be careful about tonic or flavoured sparkling waters)
  • Sparkling water is easy to swallow and helps with feeling full (triggers swallow reflex better than normal water)
  • Aids dyspepsia (indigestion), constipation and chronic throat clearing
  • Specifically, fizzy water doesn’t adversely impact bone health, calcium levels, cardiovascular risks, nor your teeth

Interestingly, kids with access to sparkling water are more hydrated than those without. And did you know that sparkling water dates back to the 1700s when Germans were enjoying carbonated natural springs to drink as well as to bath in. This vintage product has definitely stood the test of time!

