We’re highlighting men’s health during Movember – suicide is real in men, here are some ways to help.

Some stats – 1 in 8 men experience depression, and 1 in 5 men experience anxiety at some stage of their lives. Men comprise 6 out of every 8 suicides, every single day in Australia. The number of men who die by suicide in is double the national road toll. The suicide rate in Indigenous men is double that of the national rate. It’s a real problem. And for every suicide death there are 30 attempts.

What can we do?

  • Look after yourself – assess your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Spent time for yourself, enjoy the outdoors and hobbies you love, stay socially connected with others and participate in groups, in whatever activity you’re interested in. Speak to others and share thoughts with friends, family, or people in work or social circles. If stressed, let it out and seek help.
  • Look after others – ask friends and family if they’re ok, start the conversation, especially if you’re worried. Find activities to do together and create ways to have regular check-ins with people you care about.
  • Get support – there are lots of resources that can help, including Beyond Blue support line (1300 223 646), Lifeline (13 11 14), Suicide Call Back service (1300 659 467), Kid’s helpline (1800 551 800), Men’s line Australia (1300 789 978), psychologists and counsellors, employee assistance programs, men’s sheds, headscape for younger folks and of course, your GP. If someone is in danger, call 000.

Help save lives.


  • https://www.beyondblue.org.au/who-does-it-affect/men
  • https://www.lifeline.org.au/about-lifeline/lifeline-information/statistics-on-suicide-in-australia
  • https://www.suicidepreventionaust.org/